Write Guest Post

Write Post below

Please, Don't post Spam!, Spams are excluded Automatically.

Guidelines for guest posting

  1. Your post should have more than 450 words.
  2. Add a short detail about Author at the end of your post.
  3. All the multimedia (photo, videos and other) that you plan to include within the post you can send it or give us the url. Please take care about the copyrights issues. Don't use someone else media files without giving them proper credits.
  4. If you’re using a Creative Commons items like media, image etc, make sure to provide proper credit to the owner.
  5. Your Twitter handle and a link to your Facebook page (if you have these) or your website link can be included to the post.
  6. Before preparing a submission, be sure to check out everything. Although we will review and tell you about the changes made before publishing.
  7. Please note, we only accept original submissions. If your post has appeared elsewhere, we cannot accept it.
  8. We get lots of spam and plagiarism posts. Don't submit any Spam please.